
This short series of devotionals is more than a glimpse into who God is. It is also a window into how knowing certain aspects of His character can change the lives of people who love Him.

Welcome to 78:4® Season 3

This season is all about "How to." Are you struggling to figure out God's will? Are you trying to figure out the best way to work with others? What about grieving? Is someone you know suffering, and you don't know how to help them? This season, we have the privilege of learning from godly women and men who have already walked down these roads.

Why does it seem that God is hiding His will from you? Do you have what it takes to be a great leader? How do you help someone who is grieveing? Have you ever wrestled with questions like this? If so, you're not alone. This season we're going to hear from men and women who have dealt with these issues and come out stronger on the other side. There's a lot we can learn from their wisdom, so please join us.


What possible good can ever result from losing a child, an overnight visit by murderous thugs, or the prospect of a permanent disability? Here are three stories of how everyday people who suffered came to see great good co-exist with their severe trial and loss.  


Mari Erasmus 6:30 - 10:16

Erick and Elizabeth Schenkel 13:06 - 21: 46

Roger Randall 26:48 - 31:10


A World of Evil and Suffering

"We look around us and think, 'This isn’t right.' Something within cries, 'It isn’t supposed to be this way!' I think it’s interesting that our default view of the world is that everything is supposed to be good. It’s as though we were made for another world."


Why Does God Allow Suffering?

"Jesus experienced intense suffering, and Jesus is God in the flesh, so we cannot think of God as being distant from suffering. Jesus actually chose to suffer so that He could one day bring an end to suffering for the rest of us and offer us comfort right now."


Where is God in the Midst of Tragedy?

"Ever ask, 'God where are you?' What exactly can you count on God for?" 



What does someone in deep grief need most? What is the one thing we should always do for the heartbroken? How important is a community when strength and resolve are running low? Learn from our guests what not to do, and what to absolutely do when others are hurting.


Sandra Auer 3:27-6:34

Paul Eshleman 8:47-10:20

Ron and Kathleen Dooley 12:06-17:06



How to Help Your Grieving Child Through Loss

"Maybe you’re watching your child grieve and wondering how to help them. You may even be working through your own grief at the same time. I hope these five suggestions can guide you as you navigate how to help your grieving child."


10 Ways to Help Parents With Grieving Hearts 

"On December 4, 1999, my oldest son, Jaden, died in an automobile accident. He was 22. I felt like I had been slammed into a brick wall. More than a decade later, I can now say that God can turn any situation to good."


Two Funerals and a Wedding

"It’s not a Christian’s job to stop sadness, but to have compassion on those who are hurting, even when you are part of their pain. I began to lean into my new family’s grief using these three principles." 




What do you do when life throws you a curveball? You've planned everything so well, but the results are much more challenging than expected. Or a sudden illness changes your life forever? Today, three people share with us the lessons they learned after they went through significant life transitions.


Lorna Johnson 5:22 - 9:54

Carolyn Culbertson  11:53 - 15:57

Chuck Price  18:02 - 21:56






The Spirit-Filled Life Resource Kit

"If you have been living in spiritual defeat — powerless and fruitless, wondering if there is any validity to the Christian life — there is hope for you! "


What to Do in the Pain and Mess of the Unexpected

"The first step to dealing with life’s unexpected situations is to acknowledge the lie that you’re the only one wrestling with them."


How to Move Forward After Graduation

"The difficulty with transition is the many possibilities — of careers or even going back for more schooling. God seems to lead some people to a specific job or place. But I've never seen a flashing sign or a bolt of lightning telling me what to do." 



Is she (or he) the one for me? Which school should I go to? What career should I follow?

For a pagan king, God wrote on a wall; couldn't He just text me? How can we know what God's will is for each of us? In today's episode, we'll hear from three people who learned the keys to determining God's will. 


Darrell Heide 2:53 - 6:23

Carolyn Freshour 9:29 - 12:53

Alan Nagel 15:38 - 22:56






How to Know God's Will

"God knows that the process of seeking Him is as important as the answer He might give to any question. As you take steps of faith and learn to recognize His leading, you grow spiritually and strengthen your relationship with Him."


Discerning God's Will

"But how do you follow unseen footsteps? How do you hear a silent voice? How do you know the guidance of God? There are six signposts in the Bible that God has consistently used to guide his people. I will pose them as questions that may prove helpful to you."


The Art of Discerning God's Will

"Personal bias can cause us to weigh certain factors more heavily than others, give significance to the insignificant, suppress evidence and create patterns that validate desires: “If the light turns red in the next five seconds, I’ll ask her out on a date.” There’s really no limit to the ways we can sabotage and slant our own investigations." 



Enduring grunt work for a season. The willingness to be invisible while others take the spotlight. A mistake by leaders that led to invaluable experience for future ministry. Listen to three people who have learned that one of the secrets to success is learning to be a servant.


Josh McDowell 05:20 - 12:00

Ella Crockett 14:29 - 16:19

Bill Sundstrom 20:26 - 24:34



Does God Rule Your Mundane?

"The rest of our lives are lived in the common, ordinary mundane.'"


How to Wash the Feet of People Who Hate Us

"When others treat you poorly, how will you choose to react? With soul-poisoning hatred and violence and bitterness?

The other option is harder, yet infinitely more healing and rewarding."


What Will Be Your Legacy?

"Will you live for the next generation by becoming the sacrificial lover and the servant-leader of your family? If that is your desire, here are 10 ways you can leave a godly legacy in your family."




A good leader can accomplish great things. A bad leader will destroy everything he or she tries to build. So, what does it take to be a godly leader? In this episode, we'll hear from three leaders about what they've learned from their times of leadership.


John Nyquist  04:47 - 07:35

Maggie Bruehl 12:12 - 15:50

Jim Wunder 18:11 - 23:34






Bob Tiede Leading With Questions

"Leadership is not as much about knowing the right answers as it is about asking the right questions!"


The Leadership Model

"Successful leadership hinges on quality interpersonal relationships. Here are several indicators of healthy relational dynamics between leaders and those they lead."


Leadership Starts with Knowing Yourself

"When I asked myself that, something changed in me. I felt free — free to live and lead the way God had created me. I could stop striving for leadership qualities that impressed others." 



Jesus didn't call us to make new Christians; he called us to make disciples. But how? In today's episode, we'll hear from three people who know the highs, the lows, and the tremendous blessings that come from helping people become more like Jesus.


Tyrone Tompkins 2:51 - 10:24

Don Mansfield 13:15 - 18:23

Tariku Fufa 21:08 - 25:14 




What Is Discipleship and How Does It Happen?

"Discipleship is a journey of intentional decisions leading to maturity in your relationship with Jesus so that you become more like Him in your attitudes, focus and ultimately behavior. "



The Right Ingredients of Discipleship

"Ministry is usually the most difficult because it means stepping out in faith and bringing another person along with you. But if we do not embrace all three, we rob people of the privilege of growing, of seeing God show up, of watching God work."



Adult Discipleship Resources

"Discipleship, then, is a process of helping an individual to change from a worldly perspective to a perspective based upon God’s Word.  It is a progressive change in attitudes and behavior built on a growing relationship with Jesus and a commitment to God’s Word." 



The Beatles may have sung "All you need is love," but that's a lot easier to sing than live. How do you love someone who is hard to love? Today, we'll hear about how God empowered parents to love prodigal children, friends to love people rejected by society, and enemies in war to come peacefully together. 


Judy Douglass    06:01 - 13:43

Josh McDowell   15:15 - 19:09

Bill Sundstrom    25:37 - 30:15




The Greatest Power Ever Known

"Love is the greatest thing in the world — the greatest privilege and power known to man. "


When You Love a Prodigal Podcast

"Loving a prodigal is a long, desperate journey. But God intends to use your valley to fill you with grace and hope. In each episode, author and speaker Judy Douglass will guide you through lessons she's learned in her son's 15-year prodigal journey to help mold your spiritual life."


Loving the Way Jesus Loves

"We are nothing without love. But when we know Jesus, who does nothing without love, He will help us love the way that He loves." 



What does racism look like? Japanese Americans herded into internment camps? Racial slurs and verbal mistreatment? Or is it something more personal? How should you act when you encounter it? Today, we'll listen to people who have been on both sides of prejudice and discover ways to deal with injustice.

George Aki    5:32 - 20:46

                          (performed by Al Aki)

Dirke and Lorna Johnson     24:25 - 32:01

Gwen Smith     38:03 - 40:31   



The Gospel and Race

"Without the influence of God's Spirit in us, we labor toward unity in vain. We must come to the humble realization that no one but Jesus is capable of uniting the un-unitable and loving those unlike Himself."


Racism: What Thoughts or Feelings Come to Mind?

"Loving a prodigal is a long, desperate journey. But God intends to use your valley to fill you with grace and hope. In each episode, author and speaker Judy Douglass will guide you through lessons she's learned in her son's 15-year prodigal journey to help mold your spiritual life."


What Does the Bible Say About Racism?

"If I assume racist intent without objective proof, I'm the one who is exhibiting racism and must seek forgiveness. I must be as comfortable walking into a room filled with people of another race as I am walking into a room full of Hispanics. If not, I have work to do." 


National Japanese American Historical Society Digital Archives: George Aki

Watch George Aki tell part of his story.



It's hard to think. Something catastrophic is coming your way. Or maybe you can't escape your failures, and that little voice in your head tells you you're a loser. Is this par for the course for you, or could it be something else? Could it be Spiritual Warfare? Today, we'll gain some excellent tools for fighting the most difficult battle of all - a Spiritual Battle.


Jim Wunder              3:49 - 8:25

Vonette Bright     11:39 - 13:58

Heather Stevenson (Prayer)     17:38 - 22:43

                                        (Fasting)    23:19 - 26:08


What Is Spiritual Warfare?

"You're not equipped to fight hand to hand with an enemy you can't see, especially since that enemy wants nothing more than to distract you from growing in your knowledge of Jesus and walking with Him. Instead, you engage in this conflict by submitting yourself to God and ridding yourself of Satan's influence. The goal of spiritual warfare is to resist the devil's schemes as you give yourself to God's work. 


How to Pray Through Spiritual Warfare

"Taking time alone with God reminds us that He is ready and waiting to spend time alone with us, healing our wounds and renewing our strength."


Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer

"Fasting is one of the most powerful spiritual disciplines of all the Christian disciplines. It is a way to align our hearts with the psalmist: "My soul thirsts for God, the living God" (Psalm 42:2)." 





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